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Sticker Residue


I have a dim view of sticker residue. You can see it in the above image above the words "Mozilla Firefox." This particular residue is reddish, and whiteish, and greyish. You know why? Because sticker residue collects bits of everything that touches it. In this case, probably blood, paper shards, and petroleum jelly. Gabooldra will never use stickers in its dealings with customers because of the sticker residue I've just spoken about in length.


Reader Comments (3)

Snip, snip. Oops, oops. Reconnect. Fourteen months later our little boppy turned out to be a she rather than a he. Haha for us! Madison and I had created the perfect he name, which we now give to you, Gabooldra, so you can make some other family happy. Vasectoson.

Best wishes on your new endeavour,
Courtney and Madison

August 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCourtney

What do you look like?

August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMonstravigant

Monstravigant: Relevance, your honor?

Courtney: Thank you. Vasectoson is lovely.

August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGabooldra

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